4 thoughts on “Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo 10-11 [An]”

  1. Woot …. first. Kidding 😉

    Thanks for the release …. only 2 more to go and then it’s finished and I can start watching for it real as I put this on the shelf deciding it would be a better viewing experience if I would watch this when you gad finished with it as you’re a tad slow. That’s not critism, merely stating a fact as I’m grafefull for the work that you do. Point in case, I don’t like watching a series with (frequent) gaps in time between episodes as it tends to mess up the pace of the story.

      1. lol, this series take the longest time ever to get finished… almost 3 years I guess… But yeah, will be there soon… I hope :p

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