Hello all. As we (or rather edogawa) wraps up Konoao 13 (12 to come with it) and the final versions (v3) of encore, we may have come across a point where anime-rg would no longer exist or be on-hold for a long period of time. So, before that ever occurs and to continue our support as “researchers” to the love for Japanese medium, I, alchemist11 (the non-Indonesian freelancer), bring you the very first anime-rg joint. What does a joint mean for anime-rg? Primarily, no more “slow” releases. It may be slightly still, but not “too-lazy to-do-anything” slow. 😛 And yes, do blame edogawa for all those delays. So, what is this anime, Yoiko, about? Refer to ANN or wikipedia for a synopsis.
o lol :>
This was funny! Thanks for putting it out!!! 😀
that was awesome!! months ago I read about this anime and I have been loking for it since then. men thanks for your amazing work and please continue with this project
so how long will it take to finish this 10min per ep series
Hm, let’s see: We have till episode 4 translated, so far. Episode 3-20 needs timing before we proceed to the translation. Jupiter is able to do 4 eps a week, and provided the timer isn’t busy with work and his usual catching up with anime, I’d say within 6 months at the least. I’m going to try and push to get this done in under a year. Though, I really don’t want to bid farewell to it so fast… Because after this, I don’t want myself working on another loli anime like Ichigo or harem like Konoao. I really dislike moe/loli/tsundere/ and harem animes. Would love to do another 90’s anime, maybe related with cooking.